The Gosnay's Name Today

Mention the name Gosnay's Engineering Co Ltd and immediately the family name Wilkes springs to mind. This is perfectly understandable as the late Norman Wilkes made an immense impact, not only on the company, but also on the (then) emerging engine remanufacturing in the United Kingdom through his involvement with the Federation of Engine Remanufacturers (FER) where he held the presidency for many years. In 2009 history repeated itself with his son, Adrian becoming the first "second generation" President of the FER.

Prior to the Wilkes family involvement, the company was founded by Mr Ledger Gosnay in 1935 and when he died his wife Daisy continued to run the company until 1957 when she approached Norman Wilkes to acquire the business.

This Norman did and as the business had already established a sound reputation the sensible decision to retain the name Gosnay was taken. And so it has remained as the name and the reputation have grown.

Having taken on the business, Norman was soon ably supported by Adrian. Now Managing Director Adrian has continued the family commitment to the business (with his wife Sue involved for many years) and to his father's aims to contribute to and support the industry through the FER. As well as having been Chairman of the Southern Area of the FER, Adrian also Chaired the Technical Sub-Committee which was responsible for establishing the industry standard BS.AU 257 which now forms the basis of the FER Code of Practice for members.

So there is a lot in the Gosnay's name!

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